Letter To Opposition.

Dear Opposition,

Thank you for your work-ethic. You never miss an opportunity
to make your presence known. With every pivotal moment I’ve experienced,
you’ve always been certain to arrive early, in the hopes that you can position yourself strategically. Your covert -but potent approach- has continuously kept me on my toes.
My awareness of your presence frustrates you, in that - to your credit - you cleverly elude my sight. Regardless, though, I sense you. And my discernment forces you to endure my persistence. Your disdain for my success, my acclimations, and my modifications have sharpened your skills in the field of passive aggression. You always know how to carefully construe my intentions, my character, and my motives behind my desire to mature. And -much to your delight- there are simple-minded individuals who eat and digest your every deceitful word.

I have noticed that -while you are brilliant in your consistency- you are beginning to show weakness in your originality. We have met and engaged with one another enough times now to which I’ve come to understand your patterns and your mechanics. I realize -much to your dismay- that you are spiritually limited in your resources, and can therefore only disguise repetitious efforts to discourage me as something valid and new.

I understand that God’s provision, my faith in Him, and my willingness to search for beauty in the midst of trials and hardship prohibits the systematic flights of your arrows.
Please understand that - while it’s unlikely that you’ll ever want to sit down with me to discuss our differences - I’d just like to acknowledge you and say thank you.
Thank you for sculpting my character, for strengthening my spirit, for deepening the foundation of my faith, for improving my communication skills, for increasing my patience, and for magnifying my courage to stand upon the stage of my calling despite your attempting to reek havoc across its surface. We may never be friends, but I consider you - along with my trials of many kinds - to be of pure joy.

Dearest Opposition, I thank you once again for your enthusiastic contribution. But I will continue to walk straight through you. It’s nothing personal, and I’m around if ever you change your mind.

Your Friends,

Integrity and Resilience

Written by: Ry Truax


Honestly Humble.